Then you will need to specify the folder to save the installation file and wait for the download to complete. The download process is standard, you just need to choose one of the old versions of Bluestacks emulator on our website and click on the “Download” button. It is important for each user to evaluate all the presented characteristics in aggregate and choose for yourself the best option – old or new version, also taking into account the system capabilities of your computer. Thus, using older versions of Bluestacks definitely has its shortcomings.

Incompatible with the architecture of the latest versions of Windows and 64-bit systems.More vulnerable to attack by viruses and hackers.In this regard, you can highlight the following disadvantages in older versions: However, the developers of Bluestacks strongly recommend using the latest current version of the program, as it is more optimized and safer to work with. Some users even refuse to update the program and switch to a newer version of the emulator, as they do not want to adapt to its changes and new functionality. does not require lots of free space on the hard drive.